A Short Film for Frustrated Riders and Wrenchers…

By Bud Wilkinson of RIDE-CT.com

New York director and videographer Andrew David Watson has created a short film titled “Waiting Out Winter” that any rider who owns some wrenches and a bike lift and who is frustrated by winter will certainly appreciate:

Click just left of the “vimeo” at the lower right to see it full-screen. The film was made at Cast & Salvage in Philadelphia as “a homage to all craftspeople who spend their winters tucked inside their workshops waiting for better weather.”

Dates for a couple of major New England meets have been locked in:

Brit Jam, hosted by the British Iron Association of Connecticut, will be held Aug. 18 at the Haddam Neck Fairgrounds in Haddam, CT.

IMOC, the annual rally of the Italian Motorcycle Owners Club, will be held Sept. 15 at the Hamilton Rod & Gun Club in Sturbridge, MA.


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Since 2010, RIDE-CT & RIDE-NewEngland has been reporting about motorcycling in New England and portions of New York.