New Helmet Provides Data for Rider to See


Inside the LiveMap helmet: LiveMap

By Bud Wilkinson of

With high-quality helmets costing hundreds of dollars, it’s not a huge leap to charge $2,000 if “something extra” is added. Russian inventors have devised the LiveMap helmet, which integrates full-color, translucent image and text displays on the visor to allow riders to always know the time, their speed and get directions without having to look down to an instrument cluster or map tucked in a tank bag.

The helmets creators are hoping to raise $150,000 by July 12 through Indiegogo, with donors being able to pre-order the helmet for $1,500. More info may be found here. There’s also a video, spiced with humor, that explains helmet:

Getting the Honda CB750’s fuel lines securely attached has not only been a chore but fraught with danger. A Tuesday post detailed how friend and Honda mechanic Neil Tolhurst noticed that the fuel lines on the bike were loose when he recently changed the brake pads for me and advised that something be done about it.

CBMy first attempt to secure the lines involved squeeze-type clips, but the lines were so loose and old that the attempted fix failed. Yesterday afternoon, I bought some screw-type clamps and installed them.

However, yesterday evening, when taking a test ride, I rolled into Litchfield and detected the scent of gas. Quickly pulling over in front of the post office, I discovered gas spewing from the bottom of the gas tank where the line attaches.

The hot engine was drenched in gas. A puddle of gas had already formed beneath the bike and a trail of gas could be spotted on the asphalt behind it. Yikes! Fortunately, neither the bike nor I went up in flames. A call was immediately placed to friend Bill Smith, who hooked up a trailer to his pickup, drove over from Harwinton and carted the Honda home. It certainly isn’t a good feeling to see a pool a gas atop one’s engine.CB - 2

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Since 2010, RIDE-CT & RIDE-NewEngland has been reporting about motorcycling in New England and portions of New York.