Registration For CONREP Courses Open After “Circular Snag”

It took some adjustments but course registration for Connecticut Rider Education Program classes across the state has opened. Unfortunately, those seeking to register for a CONREP motorcycle training class at the outset were met with a bit of a circular snag. 

It seems the ball was dropped back in January when the 12 legacy community college websites were sunsetted; taken offline as part of the merger into the single website. For whatever reason, the information presented on the new website linked up information seekers to the legacy websites. Since those websites were taken down the users got redirected in a full circle back to where they started with no way to view course schedules or register for a course.

State website for CONREP classes

To confuse the matter more, the Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles web page has a broken link on the Motorcycle Permit page attempting to link up information seekers to CONREP program.

While DMV has not fixed their website, the CTSTATE part of this was corrected recently and now links up at the various sites and displays schedules and motorcycle training course registration information.  In case you are still lost in the cloud trying to find CONREP courses and schedules, here’s a link to get you going.

This is the best place to start if you wish to view schedules or register for a motorcycle training course at one of the CONREP courses through one of these sponsor community colleges and the training locations. They are Gateway (North Haven), Manchester, Naugatuck Valley (Waterbury), Quinebaug Valley (Colchester, Norwich), and Tunxis (Farmington, Granby, and Fairfield)

Courses are filling up fast, with at least one training site already full for spring courses and using a wait-list for summer registration. 

Here is a link to a list of all training locations licensed by CT DMV to offer the mandatory motorcycle safety training.

A CONREP class at Naugatuck Valley Community College in Waterbury

CONREP is a statewide program directed by the Connecticut Department of Transportation. Successful completion of either the Basic or Intermediate rider courses meets the state mandated training requirement to obtain a motorcycle operator endorsement on a Connecticut driver’s license.  The Experienced course is available to those who already have a motorcycle endorsement, and is a terrific option to tune your riding skills.

Basic Rider Course (BRC) – This is typically a two-day course conducted over a weekend, although you may find other scheduling options offered at different training sites that meet your needs better. This course is designed for individuals with little or no riding experience to learn how what is involved to operate a motorcycle or scooter safely. The BRC begins with the development of fundamental skills: straight-line riding, braking, turning, and shifting. These skills are then expanded to develop basic street riding techniques. This course consists of combined classroom including a three-hour or five-hour at home e-Course component depending on the class options available. Only courses using the the five-hour e-Course have no on-campus classroom component. All course options include the same on-cycle instruction. 

Intermediate Rider Course (IRC/RRBRC/BRC2-LW) – This course is for riders with some experience who are currently riding their own motorcycle. You must have a minimum of 600 street riding miles, or more than six months riding experience. Riders will improve skills in braking, cornering, evasive maneuvers, and learn useful “street strategies.” This course consists of combined classroom and on-cycle instruction. Successful completion of this course, including knowledge test and on-cycle test, fulfills the requirements of the State-approved Intermediate Rider Course for licensing. Participants must have a valid Connecticut motorcycle permit and use their own street legal motorcycle or scooter that is registered and insured in the participant’s name. 

Experienced Rider Course – This course is for licensed/endorsed riders who have a minimum of 1,000 miles, or more than 10 months riding experience. There’s always something new to learn or skills to sharpen in this 6½-hour on-cycle course. Using your own registered, insured, street legal motorcycle/scooter (bike will be inspected), you will have the opportunity to fine tune your riding skills during advanced maneuvers such as stopping in the shortest distance, cornering, swerving, tight turns, and other evasive skills. Passengers may participate in this course also.

About Steve Smith

New York native and Waterbury, CT-area resident Steve Smith is a nationally-certified Motorcycle Safety Foundation Rider coach and  instructor with the Connecticut Rider Education Program. He began riding off-road as a youth and on-road at age 20 with a Honda CB400T. He currently rides a 2011 Kawasaki Concours 14. Smith is a graduate of Fairfield University with a degree in Electrical Engineering and a Masters in Management of Technology.

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