WEST HARTFORD, CT – After 17 years of showcasing exotic Italian automobiles, Concorso Ferrari & Friends is looking to add Italian-made motorcycles to the mix in 2018. The fund-raising event benefits the Connecticut Children’s Medical Center in Hartford and brings thousands of car enthusiasts to LaSalle Road in downtown.
This year’s Concorso Ferrari & Friends will be held Sunday, June 24. Summer Sivetz, associate manager of philanthropic events for the medical center, suggested today that expanding the show to include motorcycles is a next logical step.
“I think it’s a great oppotuntiy to add motorcycles,” Sivetz said, explaining that the event began as solely a Ferrari show and then grew to include other Italian car brands. “I like the idea of having other Italian vehicles,” she said, adding that scooters could be welcomed, too.

Concorso Ferrari & Friends annually raises about $100,000. Car owners who pre-register pay a $100 entry fee. Day-off registration is $150. No decision has been made yet on what to charge for motorcycles or scooters. “There will probably be an entry fee, but it probably won’t be the same as a Ferrari,” Sivetz said.
The idea of adding motorcycles is still coming together. Sivetz said she’s not looking for just concours quality bikes. “People love vintage. There are some Ferraris people bring that are from the ’50s and ’60s. There’s a variety. People love all kinds,” she said.

A final decision also hasn’t been made on whether to showcase motorcycles separately or sprinkle them among the cars, although Sivetz leans in favor of the former approach. “We usually have different areas for different kinds of cars. I’m thinking of having a motorcycle area,” she said.
For the moment, though, she’s testing the water to see of there’s sufficient interest among owners of Italian motorcycles. “I’m just throwing it out there and trying to create some relationships with people,” Sivetz said.
– By Bud Wilkinson