HARTFORD – For years, the “Hartford Courant” has been pushing for the passage of a universal helmet law in Connecticut, and this year is no different.
Despite the fact a helmet provision was inexplicably removed from H.B. 7140 last week before the bill was voted out of the Transportation Committee, the state’s largest newspaper is keeping the pedal to the metal, publishing an editorial today that notes, “Why Connecticut hasn’t passed a law requiring all motorcyclists to wear helmets is hard to understand. The data are clear – wearing helmets saves lives.”
The editorial admonishes, “The consequences of riding without a helmet extends far beyond the rider” and continues:

The “Hartford Courant” editorial concludes:

While the helmet language was excised from H.B. 7140, another helmet bill (H.B. 6161) requiring that any rider under age 21 years old wear head protection has been voted out of the Transportation Committee. It passed by a 30-6 margin. If approved by the General Assembly and signed into law, it would become effective on Oct. 1.