Taking a Radial Engine Chopper for a Spin

By Bud Wilkinson of RIDE-CT.com

Rotec Aerosport in Victoria, Australia was started in 2000 and its products are made “to recapture the yesteryear romanticism of radial engines,” but with modern-day quality. While the company’s engines are primarily designed for airplanes, the seven-cylinder, 110-horsepower, 2800cc Rotec R2800 radial engine and the nine-cylinder, 150 horsepower, 3600cc Rotec R3600 have also been adapted for choppers, such as this one owned by Frank Ohle of Germany:

It’s certainly not the most practical bike ever made. The exposed belt on the left side is a bit scary, and it does put out a bit of smoke. Still, am interesting creation.

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Since 2010, RIDE-CT & RIDE-NewEngland has been reporting about motorcycling in New England and portions of New York.