Top 5 Posts of 2012 Present Surprising Mix

By Bud Wilkinson of

It’s always a guessing-game when reporting or regurgitating news as to what readers will enjoy and what they won’t. What interests the writer may not interest readers and vice versa. The Top 5 most-popular posts on during 2012, as tabulated by Google Analytics, certainly exhibit a diversity that shows just how wide-reaching our interests can be:

5. Test Ride: 2012 Triumph Tiger Explorer –  Now I understand why motorcycle magazines include so many reviews. Triumph’s Dave Rosen loaned me a new Tiger Explorer for a day and I managed to put on 96 miles during a ride to Old Saybrook in  May. The full May 29 assessment can be read here.

4. Website Makeover for British Iron Association – A website makeover for the British iron Association of Connecticut isn’t what can be considered earth-shattering news but a Feb. 21 post about the upgrade nonetheless attracted enough attention to crack the Top 5.

3. “Willie G” Retires from Harley-Davidson – The retirement of 78-year-old Willie G. Davidson, the grandson of Harley-Davidson co-founder William A. Davidson, after a half-century of designing iconic motorcycles warranted a mentioned in an April 30 post and readers paid attention. Davidson continues as an ambassador for the brand.

2. Biker Flash Mob Entertains Torrington – Coming in the runner-up spot was the August flash mob in downtown Torrington that entertained visitors to the Main Street Marketplace. An estimated 75 riders strutted their stuff in a well-choreographed show designed to promote the upcoming Torrington Thunder bike show. The Aug. 10 post contained more than a half-dozen pictures and that captured the enthusiasm of the group.

1. What To Do With Old Bikes? – The year’s most viewed post is rather unexpected, a tale of Torrington’s Phil Pepper wanting to sell some old bikes in his possession, including a 1977 Honda GL1000 Gold Wing.

He also had a 1973 Honda CB350 and an old Honda Trail 90. The post appeared May 7 and no other post before or after got as much attention.

So much for 2012. Happy New Year!

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Since 2010, RIDE-CT & RIDE-NewEngland has been reporting about motorcycling in New England and portions of New York.