By The Numbers: Readership Soars in 2012

By Bud Wilkinson of

The final numbers are in, and saw its readership soar in 2012, according to Google Analytics data. The website ended the year with 60,138 page views, up from 39,737 in 2011. A total of 23,931 unique visitors came to the website, up from 16,647.

While 84.86 percent of the visitors came from the U.S., also began building a broader following elsewhere with 1.93 percent of readers coming from Canada, 1.20 percent from the U.K., .95 percent from Germany and .88 percent from Australia.

The website had hits from 129 countries total, including Iraq, Libya, Mongolia, Syria, Uzbekistan and Yemen. Not surprisingly, most of the readership, though, came from the northeast – Connecticut, New York and Massachusetts.

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Since 2010, RIDE-CT & RIDE-NewEngland has been reporting about motorcycling in New England and portions of New York.