December Poll Results Show Preference for Riding Sober

By Bud Wilkinson of

Any number of studies reveal that alcohol is a huge contributing factor to riders having accidents, but perhaps readers are more cautious when it comes to booze than other riders.

The December poll question quizzed readers on the “safe number” of drinks they might imbibe before or while riding, and an encouraging 67 percent picked “None.” Applause, please. An additional 13 percent said “One” and 16 percent said “Two” while no one selected “Three or more.”

A secondary question asked whether they’d ever exceeded their “safe number” and still ridden. A total of 31 percent said “No” while 11 percent admitted that they had.

A less serious poll question for January. With the motorcycle industry suddenly building a lot more smaller bikes, do you think Harley-Davidson will enter that battlefield? Should Harley sell a bike that’s smaller than a Sportster?

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Since 2010, RIDE-CT & RIDE-NewEngland has been reporting about motorcycling in New England and portions of New York.