WATERBURY, CT – The recent closure of Adams of Oakville, the former Honda and Suzuki dealer nearby, and a “family pet project” have combined to prompt Doc’s Motorcycle Parts to expand its business into providing parts and gear for motocross and dirt bike enthusiasts.
“We’re a motorcycle shop. Those are motorcycles,” said Mike D’Occhio, who runs Doc’s. “We’re going to the test the water; bring in the staple stuff – brake pads, oils, goggles, helmets, tires, handlebars.”

Doc’s has operated since 1969 serving street riders, although it did dip into off-road back in the early 2000s. “We’re going to open up a dirt section again. We’re trying to expand it a little bit more; give it a test,” D’Occhio.
Also spurring the expansion was a decision to sponsor amateur motocross racer and family friend Jake Pogodzienski of Watertown, who rides a 450cc Yamaha on the NESC circuit. The friendship between the D’Occhio and Pogodzienski families goes back a quarter-century.
Pogodzienski’s motocross bike now bears a big Doc’s logo on its front fairing.