Video Preaches Motorcycle Awareness

DOL Motorcycle AwarenessA new motorcycle awareness video by the Washington State Department of Licensing that’s aimed at teen-aged drivers delivers a strong “look twice” message for all drivers. It starts by showing how easily an accident can happen – distracted teen pulls across the path of a rider – and then provides a primer for drivers on how the health and well-being of riders in often in their hands.

While a bit hokey and preachy (not a bad thing, mind you), the video does have some clever special effects. Besides offering driving tips, it also carries an underlying message that riders are people, too. Give it a view:

About admin

Since 2010, RIDE-CT & RIDE-NewEngland has been reporting about motorcycling in New England and portions of New York.


  1. Seeing and Being Seen (Visibility) – Make yourself visible to others on the road.


  2. I like the video and love the message even more!!

    Every motorcyclist needs to continually sharpen their skills with proper training.
