Being able to take a test ride is crucial to the motorcycle buying experience and can potentially heavily impact sales, results of RIDE-CT & RIDE-New England’s latest poll suggest.
A total of 63 percent of those casting ballots in what was a record turnout said they would not buy a new motorcycle without being able to take a demo ride on it first.
An additional 19 percent of those voting answered “maybe” on whether they’d buy a new model without a test ride, while only 18 percent said “Yes,” they’d buy a bike without riding it first.
The results leave the impression that dealers would improve sales by making test rides possible.

Turnout for the poll, which ran from June 16 until this afternoon, set a record. The website’s polls are non-scientific and are conducted for fun and out of curiosity.
New Poll On Dealers Serving Booze
A new poll has now been posted seeking rider feedback on whether motorcycle dealerships should sell or serve beer or other alcoholic beverages at events staged at their stores.
Some dealers don’t, but others actively do so. They heavily promote these events and set drink limits that exceed what would be considered legally intoxicated.
Vote now! The poll is atop the right-hand column of every page on the website. If you’re on a cell phone or tablet, scroll down the page to find it. (You’ll notice a new appearance as a fresh app is being tried.)

The website’s polls run for no set period; from a couple of weeks to a month or more. Some are serious, others are frivolous. If you have a suggestion for a poll question, please email
Hello! If you fnd the new poll to be fun, please help boost the balloting. Share this post with other motorcyclists by clicking on the social media buttons below.
I don’t see any car dealers serving alcohol. Hmm…..I wonder why?
Many years ago, my buddies and I went on a tour of the Coors Brewery in Golden, Colorado. At the end of the tour, each adult was given two tokens for two beers in the bar/tasting room. Two beers and that was it. Might be a solution to having too many at a dealer’s event?