RIDE-CT & RIDE-New England readers are a hardy and determined bunch, not deterred from riding their motorcycles by the cold weather that comes in late autumn and continues through winter, results of the website’s latest poll reveal.
The poll, which ran from Oct. 17 through Nov. 24, showed that 40 percent of respondents reported turning to heated or other warm gear when the temperatures dip to enable them to continue riding. No stopping them.
A total of 30 percent said they don’t park their bikes until the salt hits the road, while 24 percent said they ride all winter.

A mere five voters – only six percent of those taking part in the poll – said they immediately winterize their bikes when cold weather arrives.
Turnout for the poll was above average when compared to other polls conducted in 2020.
New Poll Seeks Feedback On Motaur

He’s half man, half motorcycle. He’s Motaur, the main character in a series of TV ads for Progressive Insurance. Emmy Award-winning actor Terrence Terrell plays the part; his upper torso and head melded on to what looks to be a Triumph Bonneville Bobber to make a mythical looking creature. The goal of the commercials is to demonstrate the strong bond riders have with their motorcycles. But do the ads work? That’s what RIDE-CT & RIDE-New England seeks to find out in a new poll. Vote now in the poll that’s posted atop the right-hand column on every page of the website or, if you’re on a mobile device, scroll down until the poll appears.
The website’s polls are non-scientific and are conducted just for fun and out of curiosity. They run for no set period, usually a few weeks or so. If you have a suggestion for a poll question, please email budw@ride-ct.com.
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